See how a healthy body can travel well. Conquer mountains!!! and still conquering more! Our Mt Marami climb!
See how a healthy body can travel well. Conquer mountains!!! and still conquering more! Our Mt Marami climb!
See how a healthy body can travel well. Conquer mountains!!! and still conquering more! Our Mt Marami climb!
See how a healthy body can travel well. Conquer mountains!!! and still conquering more! Our Mt Marami climb!

See how a healthy body can travel well. Conquer mountains!!! and still conquering more! Our Mt Marami climb!

1. Detoxify. We store toxins in our bodies and create diseases that can make us fat, lazy, and sluggish. How can we enjoy our world? There is so much beauty on earth; we just have to be healthy to roam around. A detox bath is popular in many cultures; That's why public baths in Japan, Korea, and other countries are very popular until now.

2. Exercise. This is very important for a traveller. There are places, BEAUTIFUL PLACES!!! that will require you to walk longer than your usual pace. Develop strength and endurance. Running for me is a practical way to do it. You can just put on your shoes and run. No equipment is necessary!

3. Meditate. This is for me a good way to promote healing within and later on will project healing externally. This is sometimes weird for many because they are not yet aware of its benefits. Meditation has been a practice of many religions ever since. Only called prayer by others. All are the same, in meditation, we are quieting our mind to find a place of peace and calm. We are not talking. At first, it is difficult to do because we have trained our mind to think, this is its function and it is not bad. But the trick is going to the part of you who is watching the mind. Meaning you are watching and listening to the activities of the mind. There are much peace and love in doing this. You will really feel the lightness of your spirit. It is just going along with the stillness of the mind.


Stay happy and healthy!

Go travel the world!

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