Travelling is good for us. There are things that we can't learn just by watching TV/videos. Rick Steves, travel/journalist, rich travel experiences teach the real value of travelling.  Here are what I've got from him:

1. Travelling open us up to the wonders of our world. It helps us appreciate nature.
2. Travelling connects us with culture.
3. Travelling connects us with people. They too have their own heroes and their own dreams just like anyone of us that can inspire us.
4. People are different from us but also the same. We should appreciate it.
5. Fear is for people who don't get out very much.
6. We learn a little bit of appreciation of what is the baggage that people are caring when they respond to us. 
7. Travelling helps us become better citizens of our planet.

Watch Rick Steves TEDxRainier talk, it's really inspiring. 

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